
I keep forgetting to take photos of my animals, so instead, here’s some pics of my dad’s chickens. They were a Xmas present from my mum, she bought him the house, and he built his own run, then we went to pick the chickens up on Thursday. They are all young, either at, or coming up to, point of lay, and one has already laid an egg! Eventually they will be free ranging, but they’re staying in their run for a while until they know where their bedroom is.

From left to right they are: Rocky, a Black Rock, Buffy, a Buff Orpington, Molly, a Maran, and Polly, a Welsummer.


I fell in love with a Partridge Cochin, cos I love chickens with trousers, and because she was really talkative, the first time we went to the place she was just sitting all by herself making cute chickeny noises, but Dad decided not to get her cos he thought she was too big compared to the others.

And here’s some more pics of the chickens in the snow:



I’m going round there tomorrow, so if i manage to get there while it’s still light, I’ll get some more photos of them.